Our Methodology


All of our corrupt conduct investigations follow the process set out in the Corruption in Focus Guide (QCCC) and meet Australian Government Investigations Standards (AGIS).

Allocation– We carefully review the Terms of Reference and allocate the most suitable investigator to conduct the matter.

Planning – We write your project requirements into our operating systems to ensure effective monitoring of milestones. A detailed investigation plan is compiled and quality reviewed. Key milestone points are determined and risks identified.

Investigation – Relevant parties are interviewed and evidence is gathered.  Quality and consultation processes occur throughout this phase.

  • Initial Reporting – The investigator compiles a detailed draft investigation report and uploads relevant attachments into the case management system.

    Review – Quality assurance managers review the evidence and investigation report.  Any proposed amendments are sent back to the investigator for inclusion in a final report.

    Final Reporting – The final report is again reviewed by quality assurance managers and forwarded to client for review. 

    Continuous Learning – All learnings from the feedback gathered during the investigation are injected into Synergy information management, process improvement and training systems.